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Say No To Arizona College of Nursing!!!


Arizona College of Nursing is looking to open up shop right here in Milwaukee. Now MATC is a great school, but we love all of the other nursing schools in the area! AZCN is significant because unlike MATC, Alverno, Bryant and Stratton, or University of Wisconsin, it is a for-profit university. It is also dissimilar from those other colleges in that the drop-out rate for students in their care is 60%.  

Under the guise being like any other nursing college, Arizona College of Nursing is one of a number of institutions that pop up in a town and take advantage of students looking to start a career as a nurse and do not make good on that promise. While some students may walk away from an institution such as this (or Sanford Brown, ITT Tech, Everest College) with their degree, many others will have utilized their FAFSA money, and be in debt with nothing to show for it.

There is a shortage of nurses in Wisconsin, and this is partially due to the shortage of nursing instructors. Adding a new college does not address these issues, and if the school is not up to the standards set by other colleges then their existence in the community will only serve to make the situation worse. AZCN will compete with more legitimate colleges for clinical spaces, as well as nursing instructors.

We do not want to give AZCN the opportunity to take advantage of students in Milwaukee! But we are not the only organization fighting their attempts to set up in our town, the Milwaukee chapters of the National Black Nurses Association, National Association of Hispanic Nurses and NAACP have all joined a coalition known as the Committee for Equity in Nursing Education to stop them.

We also need you and your voice as well! Please sign this petition to add to the group of people who are opposed to this scam college.

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