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Raise Your GPA with Academic Renewal


The FAST Fund as an organization is predicated on the idea that emergencies happen. Those emergencies are what we are here to assist with as it relates to financial hurdles, but what about when those emergencies affect your GPA? If you are a student who has gone through a difficult time that affected your grades in the past, MATC Academic Renewal may be able to help you!

The Academic Renewal Program can remove one or two semesters worth of poor academic performance. These grades will still be on your transcript, but they will no longer add weight to your GPA, this is particularly helpful for students looking to enroll in different programs at the college who may be otherwise barred from doing so by their GPA. Ex. Healthcare.

There are several criteria that a student must meet in order to be eligible, specifically they must be enrolled at MATC currently, and they must have completed at least 12 credits with a GPA greater than 2.00, and the semester(s) to be reconciled must have been at least three years prior.

To get the best idea of if this program will be beneficial to your circumstance you can access the website here, and be sure to ask your advisor if this program will be able to help you.

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