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Get Out The Vote Rally (October 4th, 2024)


Last Friday, October 4th (2024) in the office of the Local 212 there was a round table discussion featuring students, faculty, and staff. The discussion was initiated by AFT National as a part of their AFT Votes Bus Tour, and they wanted to hear from the FAST Fund as well as the Student Voter Project about what we were struggling with as students. 

There were three major topics discussed, students who are struggling after having been incarcerated, access to education for immigrant students, and the cost of textbooks. 

On immigration and incarceration issues, students represented well, and were connected with a multitude of nation-wide resources and agencies who were also fighting for our rights. On cost of textbooks, there was more hesitation from AFT. However MATC’s has been working incredibly hard on the OER Program to find a way to make textbooks free for students. AFT Secretary-Treasurer Fedrick Ingram took note of it, and I hope we can AFT making a push for Open Education Resources in the next few years.

After the round table everyone moved down to the space between the S and the M buildings for a press conference/rally. There were many speakers including Local 212 President Lisa Conley, FAST Fund Director Bria Burris, and even Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson. 

Iuscely, head of Student Voter Project giving a passionate speech about being a DACA recipient

At the rally we got hyped up to Get Out the Vote, and accepted the AFT First Books Grant. This grant is a sum of money from the national union that goes to stocking books in little free libraries across the city. Little free library boxes were donated by students in the carpentry program, and our art students will be decorating them as well. 

It was a great day to be an MATC Student, and it is always exciting to see students getting involved in our community!

AFT Secretary-Treasurer Fedrick Ingram (right) and Local 212 President Lisa Conley (left)

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