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Our Friends: The Student Resource Center


Becoming a student in 2024 can be something of a risk. Potential students sacrifice time they could put towards family and work in order to achieve something greater and make it to that next step.

Financial aid is there to help to an extent, but there is already a great deal of literature representing what students already know, financial aid is often not enough to make up for the cost of working fewer hours in addition to the cost of tuition. The amount of student aid that is distributed is determined by the Wisconsin Technical College System and with figures for cost of living that feel particularly out of touch with students' lived experiences.

The Student Resource Center is there to bridge the gap for students that need the extra assistance. They run the food pantry, (which carries diapers and menstrual products in addition to food.) The SRC also houses the MATC Emergency Grant that can help students with crises  relating to food , housing, and other basic needs. For any resource students need that they are unavailable to help with directly they will connect students with services in the community, including legal help with things like name changes and evictions. 

Speaking on housing emergencies the SRC offers temporary emergency housing on a 45 day basis, that can assist students through education and working towards finding stable long term housing. This is only a small piece of the resources available to students, to apply with them students are encouraged to access the EAB portal (For Students) on MATC.EDU

The Student Resource center is run by only a small team that consists of Wendolyn Romo, Haley Weber, and the newest full time staff member Nadia Ramirez. They are also assisted by a handful of excellent student workers who always make visitors feel welcomed in their space. This team is supportive, and uniquely qualified for the task of assisting students. While none of them come from working backgrounds in higher education, they all have history of serving in the social services field. MATC is lucky to have their perspective in this resource for students.

Haley Weber outlines her vision for the team “The goal of the Student Resource Center is to provide holistic support so that students can be successful academically and ultimately graduate.” The Student Resource Center empowers students who cannot wait to graduate to achieve stability. 

Data courtesy of the Wisconsin Policy Forum

At the same time students should not think of the Student Resource Center as something only for people in the most difficult struggles. If you need assistance with food or other basic needs and believe a helping hand can ease your circumstances, then you are welcome at the Student Resource Center!

Finally, if you are someone who has used their services in the past and are looking to give back to the organization you should tell the administration that you believe their aid has helped you in your academic journey! Your story as a student is crucial to the continued investment in these types of programs.

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