The FAST Fund is not the only game in town that is advocating for students! This article has all sorts of information on some of our friends around campus.

FSET (Food Share, Employment and Training)
The FSET Program is located in the Student Resource Center. The MATC Student Resource Center is located at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus in Room S215 . Contact person for the FSET program is Liz. She is in office M-F from 9am-3pm. Students may contact her by email at or call 414-297-6385. FSET is able to assist any student with an open food share case in Milwaukee County and is taking at least 1 credit at MATC with the following needs:
- Liz can help with childcare authorizations on campus while students are in class and also with State funded programs if a student is working at least 20 hours (this would help with childcare in and out of class time).
- Books and testing expenses. Process is lengthy so students are advised to apply early.
MATC Food Pantry
The MATC Food Pantry is located in the Student Resource Center. The MATC Student Resource Center is located at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus in Room S215. The pantry will be open to students Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Food Pantry is available to assist with the following:
- Students just need to bring their student ID card to receive free, prepared meals to heat for lunch and dinner.
- Students can select essential foods, beverages and snacks to bring home.
- Students are invited to stop by weekly to fill shopping bags, but hungry students in search of a freshly prepared lunch or dinner will never be turned away.
Student Accounts
Student Accounts is located in Room S110 at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus. Their office is open M-F from 9am- 4pm. Their office is closed for lunch everyday between 1-2pm. Students may contact them by email at or call 414-297-6797. Student Accounts can assist with the following:
- Payments and payment arrangements
- Purchase of Student Parking Passes
MATC has four (4) licensed professional counselors to provide short term support to students with mental health needs and concerns. While they are operating remotely during the pandemic, students may contact them by email at or call 414-297-7710. They will respond by the next business day. For any emergency/crisis situations, call 911 right away.
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid Office is located at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus in Room S-115. Their office hours are as follows:
- Monday: 7:45 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Tuesday: 7:45 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Wednesday: 7:45 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Thursday: 7:45 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Friday: 7:45 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.
Students may contact the Financial Aid department by email at or call 414-297-6282.
Downtown Bookstore
The Downtown Campus Bookstore is located at 800 W State St. Students may contact them by email at or call 414-297-6811. The bookstore can assist students with the following:
- purchasing books, technology devices, required course kits, and other supplies using cash, credit, or financial aid deferment.
- purchasing a Campus Meal Plan. The Campus Meal Plan includes Dining Dollars that can be used to purchase any items sold in the Campus Café or Stormer Café tax free. Campus meal plans can be purchased with Financial Aid deferment.
Academic Advising
Pathway Advisors are available on campus to assist students in their program. Contact information for each pathway is as follows:
Business & Management Pathway
Phone: 414-456-5323
Community and Human Services Pathway
Phone: 414-570-4426
Creative Arts, Design, & Media Pathway
Phone: 414-297-6004
General Education Pathway
Phone: 414-297-6584
Healthcare Pathway
Phone: 414-297-6263 and 262-238-2281
Manufacturing, Construction, and Transportation Pathway
Phone: 414-297-8901
Stem Pathway
Phone: 414-297-6319