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Introducing the Neurodivergent Network!!!!


The terms “dyslexia,” “autism,” and “ADHD” are all common in the english lexicon. You may be familiar with groups or aware of movements that promote an understanding of these concepts, or you may even have been diagnosed with one of them yourself! Though we live in an increasingly aware point in the history of Neurodiversity, we still have a ways to go in order to achieve equality in academic and workplace settings.

That’s why it is my pleasure and privilege to introduce a new organization on campus - The Neurodivergent Network!!!

This new group of students is working to create a place on campus that is inclusive of neurodivergent people. They aim to promote diversity, build community, and reduce the stigma around being a neurodivergent person on campus. 

This group meets on the last friday of every month from 5-7. I haven’t made it to one of their meetings yet, but I understand that it is a great time!! You can join their campus labs here 

If you have any questions you can email the president of the organization Areianna Goehrs


Are you curious about Neurodiverstiy and some of the things mentioned in the article?

  • Neurodiversity embraces the idea that neurodivergent conditions represent natural

differences in human brain functioning, rather than a deviation from the norm, that

do not need to be ‘fixed’ or ‘corrected’.

  • As an extension of this, the neurodiversity movement recognises and celebrates

different ways of thinking, perceiving, and experiencing the world.

  • Neurodiversity and neurodivergent are related terms but have different meanings.

These concepts promote acceptance, understanding, and accommodation of diverse

ways of thinking and experiencing the world.

  • Neurodivergent or neurodivergence specifically refers to individuals whose

neurological makeup diverges from the dominant or expected norm. Being

neurodivergent implies having a brain that functions in ways that are atypical

compared to most of the population.

I learned a bunch about these topics on this website

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