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Course Maps - It's That Easy!!!


If you are in a program, and trying to plan your next move course maps are invaluable. It can be agony to wait for a chance to meet with your advisor* when all you want to know is what courses you need to take next, and options for long term planning. Every program has them available to assist students in a pathway, but they can also be useful when determining which pathway to take!

I would also recommend getting a Backpack

These tools are invaluable for not only laying out what courses you need, but also clustering them in recommended order. This document will also help you keep petition requirements handy if you should need them for your program. Keep your course map ready when you are registering for classes for the next semester!

Course maps can be accessed in two different ways, one of them is easy, and the other one is really really easy (just google your pathway and "course map" it should be the first result!!)

To access your course map from the MATC Website go to, click menu in the top right of the screen, then click on 'Academics.' Scroll down, and under 'Academic Programs' choose which type you are looking for (ex: Associate Degrees.) Finally find the program you are interested in (ex: Dental hygiene,) and scroll down until you see the list of classes required for completion of the program.

*I must note here that course maps are in no way intended to replace academic advisors, and students should seek theirs out if they have questions. I also understand that it can be difficult to get an appointment with an advisor, and it may not be completely necessary for every single semester. The college should also hire more people for this position as each advisor has an incredible workload for the ratio of students to advisors is quite uneven!

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